Polyelectrolytes for Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater treatment is an essential industrial process that needs to be undertaken, so as to remove harmful and toxic elements from the water before its reuse or release into the environment. The treatment process involves the use of various physical, chemical, and biological procedures. Some of the associated problems with wastewater are foaming, solid accumulation, high BOD, sludge de-watering, heavy metals, and offensive odor. Polyelectrolytes for wastewater treatment are considered one of the best chemical processes
Role of polyelectrolytes in wastewater treatment
Polyelectrolytes are organic polymer chains with an electrolyte group on every repeat unit. Based on the electrolyte group present in the chain, polyelectrolyte treatments are categorized into anionic, cationic, and non–ionic species. Polyelectrolytes discharge water with chemical-physical and biological characteristics which do not have a detrimental impact on the environment. Specially for reusing water, polyelectrolytes have been used to combat water scarcity. This organic polymer chain with a repeat electrolyte group dissolved in a polar solvent, hence charged due to the dissociation of small counterions which leave behind a charged micro ion.
Cationic polyelectrolytes have a positively charged group for use in the coagulation of negatively charged flocs through electrostatic interactions. These are useful in various processes of effluent /wastewater treatment, depending upon their molecular weight and charge density.
Anionic polyelectrolytes have a negatively charged group on each repeating unit, acrylamide-based polymers being the most available type. They are widely useful as flocculants, rheology modifiers, and adhesives and are immensely used in municipal wastewater and effluent treatment. Anionic flocculants are also used in enhanced oil recovery, decoloring, paper making, mineral processing, etc.
Polyelectrolyte treatment based on application
These are formulated in a way so as to be used as coagulants and flocculants as well as sludge dewatering agents in wastewater treatment plants.
Flocculants: Flocculants are chemicals responsible for bringing about secondary settling and sludge dewatering. They carry active groups with a charge which helps in counterbalancing the charge of the particles. These can be used in water treatment on their own or in combination with coagulants. It adsorbs on particles and causes destabilization either by bridging or charge neutralization. These may be categorized according to the charge density and molecular weight.
Coagulants: Coagulants are referred to as chemicals that are used to help in the removal of colour and turbidity present in untreated, raw water. Particles get settled down in the form of floc, which is then removed in downstream clarification or filtration treatment processes. These coagulants are either organic or inorganic based on their formulations. Organic coagulants are used for the treatment of water with low suspended solid content and they partly or completely replace the inorganic coagulants. These chemicals are appreciated for their attributes like quick flocculation, precise pH value, etc.
Polyacrylamide Polyelectrolyte
The Cationic Polyelectrolyte is utilized for dewatering organic slush from human waste, sewage and industrial effluents. This flocculant formulation uses finest quality polyacrylic
Non Ionic Polyelectrolyte is used as an ETP flocculant for settling the sludge after coagulation. It is a white color granule with 90% active matter and less than 1% monomer. When formulated with water,
Anionic Polyelectrolyte is a strong liquid cationic radical polymer based coagulant that can used of partial or
complete settling of organics,
Polyacrylamides are high molecular weight water soluble polymers formed from acrylamide or its derivatives. It is a non-ionic and bio-compatible
Inorganic Coagulants
Polyaluminium Chloride is used as primary coagulant for the treatment of drinking water, sewage and industrial effluents and is also a well established paper
Organic Coagulants
PolyDADMAC is a cationic polymer having most of its applications in textile, printing, dyring, paper-making, mining, ink and sugar industry. It is also used as BOD-COD reducer and as a color removal for
Polyamine provides protection to complete Boiler/Turbine condensate system from inherent as well as accidental corrosion attacks. It forms a protective monomolecular polyamine film on the wetted
The process of removal of natural coloring matters and add-ons from the raw materials prior to release is referred to as scouring and bleaching.
Polyelectrolytes are water-soluble polymers carrying ionic charge along the polymer chain. Depending upon the charge, these polymers are anionic or cationic. Polyelectrolytes are available